Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Heads Up

In loo of the upcoming end of our first adventure, I have been doing a lot of thinking about the way I am going to customize this game for our group. Playing these initial pre-made adventures has revealed a lot to me about the types of players I am working with and thus I think I have a pretty good idea of how I am going to run my adventures from here on.

Firstly: No more gay adventures. The adventures I conjure up will be much darker. Pre-made adventures tend to cater to good/lawful good campaigns. We are a Neutral/Evil campaign so I will address that.

Secondly: I will be formulating most of the adventures to have a "main-boss" if you will. In other words, at the end of most adventures there will be a single high level enemy that you will have to slay rather than a group of average level enemies or a moderately high enemy with a bunch of peons.

Thirdly: I enjoyed the chaotic feel of the battle we just finished in Dal Nystiere with the hoard of Goblin Toadies. The rank of enemy these little 1 HPers is referred to as minions. (Most enemies like the brigands are skirmishers or brutes.) I am going to incorporate the use of many minions in my lesser encounters for my adventures. It seems more realistic to me that until you get to the main enemy, a group of particularly strong adventurers would have to fight off a few hoards of peons. Mind you, I will not make all the encounters like this but I am going to use them a lot for fun unless you guys hate the idea. But I imagine some pretty good slaughter going on when I see a bunch of minions with an adept or two running at you.

Lastly: I am going to start rewarding XP like it is no one's business. This adventure has been too slow. No more dividing by 3 the experience. ESPECIALLY not if we add a new party member and I have to start dividing it by 4. From now on each PC gets the full reward. Dungeon Master has spoken.

I think that's all I wanted to touch on. So be prepared to see some awesome changes in your D&D campaign. If anyone objects to the above, speak now or forever be miserable.


  1. i like. but full experience may be a bit much... maybe just divided by two idk... i have a feeling im going to get dragged into some dark deeds.


  2. I know why you would think the XP might be a bit much but I'm afraid the campaign would never end otherwise. At the rate we're going, it would take years to get to level 30 and as much as I love being a DM, unfortunately for me Gerry and Michael want turns at some point hahaha

  3. lol. fair enough... i also expanded my character background and made a bunch of notes for next week, i was making a few mistakes and i kinda need to revamp my ability spread if you would allow..


  4. well we can discuss it wednesday. i do believe we are switching game nights to wednesday now. If you are talking about switching the powers you have, I'm not so sure about that. The rule is you can retrain one ability per level up...which would make the extra XP even more appealing to you haha but I don't think I could allow you to just completely change up your ability list. It wouldn't be fair or make any sense to the plot lol but again, we can discuss it wednesday :P

  5. i was only planing on retraining one encounter power when we leveled up so thats fine.. i meant like how gerry changed his to favor his abilities more i realized that aside from strenth i rely heavily on constitution which i didn't focus on, and my character needs almost no charisma or intelligence so i was hoping i could adjust them because it will really hamper me if i have to go through the rest of the campaign with only a +2 constitution modifier. but its up to you. :)


  6. Okay, well that's fine but you get to switch em one time only lol and only trading the stats. You can't just change them, you have to swap them. So for example, you can trade your charisma score for your constitution score but you can't just decrease your cha to whatever you want and increase your con to whatever :P fair? that's how we handled gerry's stats
