Tuesday, May 10, 2011

World Map W.I.P.

I have been working on the world map. It's not done yet, but here's what I've got so far.

 So here is a brief explanation of the continents. Prastuil is dwarf land. It is mostly mountains. Buldar is where orcs and giants live. Clearly there isn't that many of them. But they really don't get along with the dwarves. 

The next continent over is like America, it's a melting pot. Damara is arid and harsh land. There are mostly scattered tribes of humans. The Iron Circle originated in Damara, with big dreams of conquering the entire continent.

Elkazar is a country that likes to focus on technology. But there is no futuristic stuff in my world, so think steampunk. Mostly humans live here as well. They typically frown upon the use of magic in Elkazar, believing that science is the only natural way. Erathis is revered in Elkazar.

Algarond is just your average medieval country. They focus on agriculture, but there are several big cities in Algarond. Algarond is an ancient land, with ancient ruins everywhere. Magic is used heavily in Algarond, as many believe that magic was found by the humans in this area. Half-elves are prevalent in Algarond, along with humans and a lot of Daemons, shifters, and half-orcs mixed in here and there. This is the most diverse country due to the fact that both magic and science are popular here.
The Nentir Vale is a quiet isolated country which consists of mostly scattered farms as well. There are a lot of dwarves and halflings in this country.

Harrowdale is also another quiet isolated country which focuses on agriculture. Harrowdale is a very religious region, though. Temples are found every few miles and monasteries are very common. Again, humans are most common in this area, but there is a little bit of everything.
The Lundeth Peninsula is a fishing country, mainly. Water trades are the specialty here. There are a few dense cities but other than that, this country is not heavily populated. It likes to keep a "mind-your-own-business" mentality so citizens like to keep to themselves, communicating with the outside world only for the purpose of trade.

Zetriel is a heavily magic using country. Magic and the arts are worshiped here, so Corellon is quite popular. There aren't many huge cities. The population tends to focus around the vast amounts of arcane libraries and schools to be found here. 

The Silver Marshes are mostly inhospitable lands. The continent is kind of like one huge glacier. The ice shifts constantly and water moves in and out everywhere. It is unpredictable terrain where the frigid temperatures are deadly. The does however make is a great place to search for rifts into the Elemental Chaos. Commoners fear this continent, but it has proven to be quite useful to some of the more adventurous adventurers. There are, however, a very few scattered tribes of nomads who have come to be quite attached to the land and are experts in the ways of navigating and foraging for food and supplies here.

The Nelanthyr Isles are very mountainous and ancient. It is said that the most terrible and the most magnificent of beasts reside upon the Isles. There are few people that live here, but some say there are great masters who live as hermits among the mountain tops. 

Tobeymoor is the quaintest of the Halfling communities. The Halflings keep to themselves here where they are, for the most part, un-bothered by the outside world. The elves that are their neighbors do not bother them, and rarely do travelers venture so far as to go here.

Velenril is the Elven country of wood elves and elven nobles. This is an ancient land, set in their ways of tradition and elven culture. Generally, outsiders are not welcome. But of course, you would find the foreign race of people here and there in some of the communities and tribes. There is only one great city in Velenril, but that is not to say that the small villages of elves peppered throughout the densely forested land are not just as ornately beautiful and ancient.

Iriaebor is a land that the Elves of Velenril almost detest. It is the country where elves have turned to the civilized and technological ways of the humans in the continent across the Orofin Ocean. There are many cities struggling to rise up in the bustling world of trade and industrialization. There are many ghettos to be found here where half-elves are forced to live in. Racism against half-elves in this elvish society is common. They are looked down upon as the results of elvish lust for human whores, which they find to be quite degrading to their race. This racism is typically exclusive to Iriaebor, though. Shifters have made a few small societies for themselves on the border of this country, as they are not usually welcome in Velenril, but they prefer the forest that Iriaebor is continuously disregarding.

Bael Turath is the small country of the Daemons. It was once a place of grand palaces and gothic cities, but as of late, it has mostly fallen to ruin. Most of the noble families of Daemons have been corrupted and cooperation among families is rare to find. So most of the land is desolate, though full of history. Lately, Daemons have been venturing out into the world in search of something better.

Arkhosia is the tiny country where Dragonborn reside. They are very set in their culture and thus do not like to venture out of their small continent very often. Not much is known about Arkhosia by commoners, if commoners know about Arkhosia at all. 

Tiber is a densely forested continent that is winter all year round. It is most hospitable that the Silver Marshes, at least. But not many people live here because the forest is so difficult to navigate. There are a few small tribes, some nomadic. But other than that, travelers and citizens are rare here.

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